IAPA0200: Foundations of Development - Fall 2022
This course presents an interdisciplinary approach to the study of development. The course examines what constitutes development from a variety of different disciplinary perspectives, and the course examines how and in what context the term “development” itself has evolved over time. The goal of this course is to provide students an intellectual and conceptual grounding for study a variety of issues surrounding development, whether in the global North or South.
POLS1280: Politics, Economy and Society in India - Spring 2022
This course will concentrate on three aspects of the "Indian experience": democracy, ethnic and religious diversity, and political economy. With a brief exception, India has continued to be democratic since 1947. No developing country matches India's democratic record. Second, remarkable cultural, ethnic and religious diversity marks India's social landscape, and influences its politics. Third, Indian economy has of late been going through a serious economic transformation, drawing comparisons with China. Is the comparison valid?
POLS 2320: Ethnic Conflict - Spring 2023
What is ethnicity? What does it share with nationalism and in what respects is it different? Why do ethnic groups fight violently and kill wantonly, especially after living peacefully for a long time? Under what conditions do they manage their relations peacefully? Do people participate in ethnic insurgencies because of greed or grievance? Will ethnic groups disappear as modernity proceeds further? These questions will guide our intellectual journey over the semester. Graduate students only; qualified undergraduates with instructor's permission. Enrollment limited to 14.
Previous Courses
POLS2330: Politics in India - Fall 2019
This seminar will present Indian politics in a comparative and theoretical framework. It will focus on four themes: British India and Indian Nationalism; India's democratic experience; politics of ethnic and religious diversity; and political economy, concentrating especially on India's economic rise. Readings include the classics of the subfield of Indian politics and political economy, but also quite a lot of recent scholarship. Enrollment limited to 14 graduate students.
PLCY 2140: Politics, Public Policy, and Economic Development in Asia - Fall 2017
It is widely accepted that development is not simply an economic phenomenon. Political processes are intimately tied up with economic development. We will compare and contract the various Asian countries and models of development around themes identified above. The heaviest emphasis will be on China, India and South Korea. Economic policy will be the center of our discussion.